The personal service we provide recognises and understands the lifestyle that many high net worth individuals may lead. To many their time will be of the utmost importance to them, the majority being asset rich and time poor and therefore requiring a flexible service. With this in mind we have developed two fairly unique concepts within the insurance industry as follows:
Skype Facility: We have developed a skype suite which enables video meetings/conferences to take place at a time most convenient to our clients. We believe that this is much more personal than a telephone call and is not there to replace face to face meetings but simply as a convenience option. It provides an alternative when a face to face meeting is just not feasible given time restrictions etc.
Client Service Portal (CSP): This allows clients, with their unique log in details, to have real time access to their insurance documentation. The CSP is both secure and easy to use. It allows instant access to travel certificates, motor certificates, policy documents and enables clients to post messages of new acquisitions or notify of claims. Please see the link to the CSP for a full demonstration.